Devlog: First Entry

I probably should have started some kind of devlog a long time ago, but there is still plenty to do, so here we go.

Things that were added in this build:

Fourth level: In this level, I introduced a new tile type that will push everyone in a certain direction (indicated with arrows). This will be more dynamic in future releases as tiles will be shuffled every X amount of time.

Finalized localization: It was a very tedious task, but it’s done! Players can choose the language at first launch or via the settings menu.

Power-up message: Added a message that will pop up after any power-up is picked. I've received some feedback about this; a few people were constantly complaining about not understanding what they had picked.

Fine-tuned tutorial level: Added extra explanation in the step where the player has to use the pilot ability, thanks to feedback.

Retry button: Added a retry run button on the game over screen. This will be used a lot.

Improved sound effects: Finally found a good sound for steps and running. The mech no longer sounds like someone is banging an anvil with a hammer.

Minor design fixes: Made some minor design fixes in terms of the color palette.

That’s about it for this build! Until next time!

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